If you don’t like Black or the Pink themes then today we have got you the best of free colorful themes for Windows 7. These themes have the best of wallpapers and also very nice color scheme which you will love. Remember the themes color can be changed from Personalization section of Windows 7.
Soney Theme for Windows 7
The best of all the themes we have seen till now. This theme not only adds vibrant colors but also make the edges of the windows, buttons very sleek. The big round start button is replaced with small orange button. It comes in Blue / Soft and Green colors also.

Strata Theme for Windows 7
This theme brings change in User Interface of Windows like a clear taskbar, new taskbar icons, windows frames are much better, new progress bar and so on. It has smooth colours which are very soothing to eyes.

Shades of Sunset theme for Windows 7
If you have seen sunset at Sanddunes, you will love this theme. It has amazing Sunset wallpapers ( 20 High Resolution ) and new set of icons which makes the complete experience very colourful.

Splash Colour Theme for Windows 7
This theme looks more like a Holi Theme which is a festival of colours in India. It has colour splashed all over. This is yet to come out so I would suggest you to download the wallpaper as of now and bookmark to track when the theme is live.

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